Are You Ready to Discover Your AWESOME?
Our online classes are for people at all stages of the entrepreneurial journey. Together we will help you explore opportunities for your future and take the steps to launch your own business!
Current Offerings:

Spark 101
Have you ever wondered if being self-employed would work for you? Are you looking for a way to figure out what you want to do in the future? Spark 101 uses a combination of videos, activities, and online assessments to help you discover opportunities that will work for you! This is an individualized class, meaning you work 1-on-1 with an instructor to explore options for your future.

Start a Business
Looking to take the first steps to start your own business? Look no further! This 6-week course covers all of the important information you need to make your dream a reality! You will work with an online instructor to help identify your customers, set your business apart, understand costs & pricing, and craft an elevator pitch.

Business Coaching
Do you already have your own business but are looking for ways to expand it? Celebrate EDU offers one-on-one coaching to help your entrepreneurial venture grow and expand. We teach Website Development, Logo and Brand, Social Media, and Target Marketing.